On this page you will find all the fixtures for both the schoolboy and adult leagues.
Latest Fixtures
Adults & Youths Schoolboy Fixtures
Referees are reminded that you must inform the relevant fixtures secretary as early as possible if :
- You are unavailable to referee at the weekend
- You are unavailable through injury ( and when you are able to return)
- You have a relative playing with a particular club in which you have been assigned to referee
Adult & Youths Fixtures Secretary
Padraig Whitty…………………………………087 1244743
After the Game All Match Reports are to be “Set to Played” on the Comet Football App
If anyone is having Difficulty in using the Comet Football App, Please contact a member of the Committee who will happily help 🙂
Schoolboys Fixtures Secretary
Simon Barnes ……………………. U11, U12, U13, U14, U15 & U16………………………………..087 6091669
Schoolboy match Results are to be texted to Ian Lawlor, Chairman of the Schoolboy League on 087 6091667.
and schoolboy match cards returned to Dave O’Brien, Gurteenminogue, Murrintown, Co. Wexford ( 087-2248876)